August 2021 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH have signed a new agreement to work on a preparatory phase for developing a long-term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) in the Solomon Islands.
The agreement responds to the country request submitted by the Solomon Islands to the NDC Hub. Under the guidance of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, GGGI will work on organizing and designing the process for an LT-LEDS by reviewing, and analyzing existing national policies and plans, establishing linkages, identifying priority sectors promising emission reduction potential and, developing a program description towards preparing a full LT-LEDS for the Solomon Islands.
Mr. Hudson Kauhiona, Director of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology highlighted the importance of a LT-LEDS for the Solomon Islands.
“I am pleased that the Solomon Islands LT-LEDS preparatory phase work is beginning with the support and technical assistance of the NDC Hub and GGGI. This preparatory phase will better position us to develop a full LT-LEDS which is envisioned to be a strategic guidance for the country to enable sustainable green growth and emissions reduction, which is in line with our NDC as well,” stated Mr. Kauhiona.
As an implementation partner of the NDC Hub, GGGI has been implementing several activities in NDC Hub member countries since its inception. With a core focus on NDC enhancement, NDC implementation and MRV support, GGGI is currently leading delivery of eleven activities in the Hub and welcomes this further partnership with GIZ to support the Solomon Islands.
“GGGI looks forward to leveraging its experience in developing LT-LEDS in the Pacific region to support the Solomon Islands on this key area as well,” stated Mr. Daniel Muñoz -Smith, GGGI Country Representative for Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, and Vanuatu.
“This agreement strengthens GGGI’s work through the NDC Hub, and we look forward to further collaboration and partnerships to support Pacific climate action.”
Mr. Christian Görg, Project Manager of the NDC Hub acknowledged the valuable contribution of the Hub’s donors through whose support “Pacific Island Countries such as the Solomon Islands are able to implement their NDCs and lead with inspirational climate action for their collective futures”.
The Regional Pacific NDC Hub implements activities across the Pacific region by responding to country requests received from its 14 member Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The NDC Hub is implemented through a partnership between GIZ, GGGI, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Pacific Community (SPC), with financial support from the Germany, Australia, and New Zealand Governments.